2024 Super Tuesday Odds

Super Tuesday 2024 Betting Odds

Super Tuesday

The state-by-state process of electing party nominees is significantly impacted by Super Tuesday, and the betting odds for the 2024 primaries and caucuses will be posted for those individuals who like to have a little fun predicting the outcome of these elections.  As soon as the odds are live – we will begin posting them here.

So what is Super Tuesday? Well, it’s considered the biggest day in the primary season and is called Super Tuesday because so many states hold their primaries, caucuses, or presidential preference polls on that day.

For the 2024 election cycle, there are expected to be 14 Super Tuesday states holding their events in early March of that same year, but there is the potential for one or more of these states to alter their primary date between now and then. Currently, the 2024 Super Tuesday states include:

When Is Super Tuesday 2024?

Super Tuesday is expected to take place in all of the above states on Tuesday, March 5, 2024.  Some of the events only cover one party (as the incumbent party sometimes cancels caucuses and primaries due to overwhelming candidate support), and some have both Democrats and Republicans participating. Polls close in most states between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., with Alaska running the latest due to their time zone.

Top Sportsbooks Offering Betting Lines For Super Tuesday

SportsbookBonusRatingUSAVisit Site
Bovada Sportsbook Logo50% Max $1,0005 Star RatingUSA FriendlyVisit Site
MyBookie table logo50% Max $1,0004 Star RatingUSA FriendlyVisit Site
Betonline Sportsbook Logo50% Max $2504 Star RatingUSA FriendlyVisit Site
bookmaker logo25% Max $5004 Star RatingUSA FriendlyVisit Site

Recap: 2020 Super Tuesday Betting Odds

Via Bovada

Can I Bet on Super Tuesday Primaries and Caucuses?

Super Tuesday is one of the biggest days for those individuals who enjoy betting on political events because there are so many states voting at once.  Most of these states are covered in the presidential election betting odds and lines. By this point in the election process, clear front-runners are usually present, and some of the poorer performers have dropped out, making things a bit more exciting.

The political online sportsbooks that we recommend offer the most current and competitive betting odds for both the Republican and Democrat state primaries and caucuses.  They accept US players and offer a legal, secure, high-quality destination to enjoy political betting action. Each of these sites offers betting odds for state primaries.

This page will list the current Super Tuesday betting odds, as the day has a tendency to set the stage for the general election later in the year.  Betting lines are usually available for each state individually as Super Tuesday approaches, and wagering on these is tons of fun for those who enjoy political betting action.

Who Is Still in the Race For Super Tuesday Delegates?

I 2024, there is the potential for several Super Tuesday contenders on the Republican side, but there is also the strong possibility that Trump will galvanize the party once again. On the Democrat side, Joe Biden will be the presumptive nominee, but if he experiences any medical hardships over his first term, expect Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and others to contend.

Setting The Table For Super Tuesday – NV Caucus, SC Primary

Two telling state election events take place before Super Tuesday: The Nevada caucuses and the South Carolina primary. With the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primaries in the books, NV and SC can either solidify those results or throw the election into chaos, making it once again anyone’s race to lose.

If a candidate has failed to finish in the top four prior to Super Tuesday, then they would probably be served best by dropping out following the Nevada Caucus and South Carolina Primary.

What is the SEC Primary?

Within Super Tuesday is the SEC Primary, which refers to the southern states participating in Super Tuesday. Southern states have specific demographics that define how candidates will campaign in those states.

What is the Significance of Super Tuesday?

Candidates know that Super Tuesday can make or break their chances, and they take this day very seriously, campaigning especially hard in these states.  Super Tuesday can literally turn things around for those on the fringe of success or can seal the deal for a definitive front-runner.  Democrats have nearly 800 delegates at stake, which is about one-third of what it takes to win the party nomination.

Is Super Tuesday the Only Big Day for State Primaries and Caucus Events?

No, but it’s the biggest one because it sets the trends for how people are likely to vote later on down the line in other state primaries and caucuses. In other words, Super Tuesday is merely the first day with multiple states holding their primary and caucus events. Other days on the calendar that see multiple states carrying out their primaries/caucuses include:

  • March 2024 – ID, MI, MS, MO, ND, WA
  • March 2024 – AZ, FL, IL, OH
  • April 2024 – AK, HI, LA, WY
  • April 2024 – CT, DE, MD, NY, PA, RI
  • May 2024 – NE, WV
  • May 2024 – KY, OR
  • June 2024 – DC, MT, NJ, NM, SD
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