Election Odds Impact Of Coronavirus In USA

Election Odds Impact Of Coronavirus In USA

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The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) has truly gone viral, taking the world by storm in just a few short months. From the closure of all major sports leagues to the mass closings of schools and mandatory work furloughs, the effects of the coronavirus have been felt by the infected and uninfected alike. Unsurprisingly, one of the biggest narratives is how the novel coronavirus impacted the odds of the 2024 Presidential candidates.

While most betting markets were suspended, election betting remained in-play and is still chugging along. If you want to learn more about why this is happening – and if you want to bet a few dead Presidents on the election effects of COVID-19 – you can do that at any reputable offshore betting site.

Best Online Sportsbooks For Presidential Election Betting Odds

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Bovada Sportsbook Logo50% Max $1,0005 Star RatingUSA FriendlyVisit Site
MyBookie table logo50% Max $1,0004 Star RatingUSA FriendlyVisit Site
Betonline Sportsbook Logo50% Max $2504 Star RatingUSA FriendlyVisit Site
bookmaker logo25% Max $5004 Star RatingUSA FriendlyVisit Site

Current Coronavirus Odds And Props

COVID-19 odds come and go on a daily basis at most offshore betting sites, especially in the form of props about league cancellations or other sporting delays. However, you can also find election odds, political props, and other betting odds for current events that have to do specifically with coronavirus, and we’ve included the current ones here (via Bovada).

How Coronavirus Impacts Election Odds

There are several ways that the Wuhan coronavirus can impact elections, and by extension, impact election odds. The main ways are listed below, and if you’ve been tracking the political betting boards lately, you can see for yourself how the news and hype contributed to the election loss for Donald Trump.

Coronavirus Stock Market Impact

The biggest way that the coronavirus promises to impact elections is by keeping the stock market depressed. Just a few months ago, Trump was talking up the unprecedented health of the stock market, but last fall, activity on Wall Street is mirroring that of the Great Recession in 2008. The stock market will continue to fluctuate wildly based on COVID-19’s waxing or waning, and stimulus check issuance will also play a factor.

Coronavirus And Health Care

Medicare for All (popularly “M4A”) is a major Democratic platform, and the alleged lack of hospital beds for an exponential COVID-19 outbreak is going to be fodder for the candidates in their push for government-run healthcare. A medical scare of this sort invariably causes a mass of people to look to the government for help, and many middle-of-the-road voters may suddenly find socialized healthcare appealing.

On the other hand, this can also be tempered by the fact that the worst coronavirus outbreaks globally are occurring in “first world” countries with socialized medical care. Italy in particular is a focal point, as the nation is flirting with “death panels” to decide which coronavirus victims will get treatment and which will not.

Coronavirus And The Border

Every nation on earth has issued a coronavirus travel advisory, as the spread of the disease is slowed by limiting the volume of people traveling country to country. While the US has not yet issued total coronavirus travel restrictions, there are travel bans in effect. This is one of the ways that the issue plays into Trump’s anti-globalist and “Build the Wall” narratives, and it helps to sell the idea of closed borders to those on the fence.

However, not all politicians agree with the need for these border and travel-related preventative measures, as President Biden said that he would not close the border over the threat of COVID-19.

Coronavirus And Elections

Coronavirus has the potential to bring about substantial change in future elections, and these would invariably change the dynamics of the betting odds for such.

One way is immediate: As more and more elderly people are quarantined or otherwise afraid to go outside the home, they may abstain from voting while younger Americans head to the polls.

As for future elections, COVID-19 will absolutely lead to calls for all states to have mail-in balloting or online voting. This would increase overall participation and lead to a tremendous change in how campaigns are conducted. If the nation moves to Internet-based voting going forward, election betting will have to adjust to that brave new world.

Joe Biden On Coronavirus

President Biden’s policy on coronavirus seems to be to pull out all the stops – including deploying the military, National Guard, and more. He said that Italy’s single-payer medical system failed in its response to COVID-19, but it’s clear he favors more government control over health care administration due to the crisis. And naturally, Biden blames Trump for the coronavirus panic:

“Unfortunately, this virus laid bare the severe shortcomings of the current administration. Public fears are being compounded by a pervasive lack of trust in this president. … [The Trump administration] has left us woefully unprepared for the exact crisis we now face.”

Coronavirus Update

The coronavirus death toll sits at about three percent. However, as coronavirus news spreads and prevention techniques are rolled out worldwide, that number is expected to drop substantially.

Coronavirus deaths – while unsettling – occur mainly in immunocompromised individuals and the elderly, with healthy youths being a risk mostly as carriers who might infect the aforementioned.

To stay on top of the current coronavirus spread and best practices to keep yourself and your family safe, you can visit the CDC Coronavirus index page and keep tabs on the disease at the Johns Hopkins coronavirus tracker.

Coronavirus FAQs

Will coronavirus delay the Presidential election?

ICoronavirus election delays are a distinct possibility, especially given the nature of the virus’ transmission (see below). However, given that the 2020 Presidential election is being held in November, it is too early to tell if COVID-19 will cause a delay. You can, of course, bet on this contingency right now!

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