2024 Presidential Candidates and Party Affiliation 2026 Lindsey Graham Reelection Odds For The US Senate

2026 Lindsey Graham Reelection Odds For The US Senate

Lindsey Graham

Online Sportsbooks With Presidential Odds

SportsbookBonusRatingUSAVisit Site
Bovada Sportsbook Logo50% Max $1,0005 Star RatingUSA FriendlyVisit Site
MyBookie table logo50% Max $1,0004 Star RatingUSA FriendlyVisit Site
Betonline Sportsbook Logo50% Max $2504 Star RatingUSA FriendlyVisit Site
bookmaker logo25% Max $5004 Star RatingUSA FriendlyVisit Site

Presidential Election Odds: Bovada

US Presidential Election 2028 Winner
  • JD Vance +275
  • Gavin Newsom +1100
  • Josh Shapiro +1100
  • Michelle Obama +1600
  • Ron DeSantis +1600
  • Tulsi Gabbard +1600
  • Donald Trump Jr. +1800
  • Gretchen Whitmer +1800
*More odds available at Bovada
2020 Senate Election Update (11/4): Lindsey Graham won reelection with 54.6% of the vote despite his challenger (Jaime Harrison) spending a record $108.9 million to unseat him. 

Lindsey Graham is a sitting United States Senator from the state of South Carolina. He was elected to his Senate seat in 2003 during President George W. Bush’s administration and has held many positions of influence in Senatorial committees since that time. He is the former Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and could be one of the 2024 Presidential candidates if he chooses to run.

Many wonder what happened to Lindsey Graham when he suddenly flipped and began supporting President Donald J. Trump after dropping out of the 2016 US Presidential race. Although it didn’t make sense to the press and many observers, South Carolina residents got it because his position adhered to theirs. The 2026 Lindsey Graham reelection odds for the US Senate haven’t yet been revealed, but we’ve got some analysis to assist you for when they’re finally posted.

Who Is Lindsey Graham?

Republican IconSenator Graham began his political career as a State Representative in the South Carolina House after being employed as a commissioned officer in the United States Air Force for many years. He then went on to represent the Palmetto State in the US House of Representatives for eight years until becoming elected to the US Senate in 2003. He ran for President of the USA in the 2016 cycle but was one of the early candidates to drop out.

Graham remains in the Senate to this day, and under President Trump, he and fellow Senator Mitch McConnell have become political power players and the main faces of the Republican Party. The two of them have a lot riding on the 2026 election, including their own seats.

Now that the DNC is in control of the White House, Lindsey Graham Senate Judiciary Committee assignments have been reduced from being the chair to serving as minority leader. One thing is for sure: Graham is not afraid of a battle where he faces long odds, and any competitor is in for the fight of their life.

Is It Legal To Bet On US Senate Elections?

Political betting is confined to offshore sportsbooks operating online because domestic operations do not accept wagers on politics. Betting on Presidential election odds or on 2020 Senate election odds with an offshore betting website does not violate any federal gambling regulations because these sportsbooks operate outside of US jurisdiction. Offshore betting is not sanctioned by any US authoritative body, but there are no laws that say you can’t do it.

Washington state has passed strict laws that forbid all forms of online wagering, but sportsbooks still accept members from there despite their laws. We’ve yet to hear of any arrests for the “crime” of online gambling, but all the same, bettors in WA are advised to obey all gambling laws and regulations.

Senator Graham’s US Senate Reelection Odds

Odds IconPolitical odds that allow for betting on Lindsey Graham’s reelection chances at online sportsbooks have yet to be produced, but will almost certainly feature him as a solid favorite to retain his South Carolina US Senate seat.

2026 South Carolina Senate Race Odds

  • Lindsey Graham (R) TBD
  • Democratic Opponent TBD

2022 United States Senate Election Odds

Below are the current odds for the future balance of power in the United States Senate, and the Republicans and Lindsey Graham are drawing even at the moment with the DNC in their battle t0 reestablish control following the 2022 midterm elections.

2022 Midterm Election Odds For US Senate Control

  • Republicans -115
  • Democrats -115

Lindsey Graham’s Presidential Election Odds In 2024

Although Senator Graham does not appear in the Presidential Election odds at the moment, mostly as a formality, he is listed as a potential to earn the GOP Nomination in 2024. We use the word listed because he is certainly not favored, as his moneyline of +15000 equate to less than a 1% chance of victory in the eyes of political oddsmakers.

Can I Bet On Lindsey Graham Now?

Yes. Gambling on Lindsey Graham and his election odds are available now for his 2024 Republican Presidential Nomination chances, as well as betting lines on how the balance of power will shift after all ballots are cast in November of 2022. These odds will change as political events occur, so browse the political betting lines now to make sure you don’t miss out on an advantageous line.

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How Much Can I Win If I Bet On Senator Graham?

The only odds on the board at the moment is the +15000 moneyline for Senator Lindsey Graham to become the GOP’s 2024 Presidential Nomination. If these long odds cash in, they’ll payout at $150 per each dollar wagered. Currently, the max bet possibly on these Lindsey Graham odds is $10, which will net $1,500 if he wins in 2024.

2020 Lindsey Graham US Senate Election Race Results

United States Senate General Election, South Carolina, 2020

(R) Lindsey Graham (incumbent) 54% 1,369,137
(D) Jaime Harrison 44% 1,110,828
(C) Bill Bledsoe 1% 32,845
Write-In 1% 2,294
Total Votes: 2,515,104


Republican Primary – US Senate, South Carolina – 2020
Lindsey Graham (incumbent) 68% 317,512
Michael LaPierre 17% 79,932
Joe Reynolds 9% 43,029
Dwayne “Duke” Buckner 6% 28,570
Total Votes: 469,043

2014 Lindsey Graham US Senate Election Results

US Senate, South Carolina General Election, 2014
Lindsey Graham (R) 55.3% 672,941
Brad Hutto (D) 37.6% 456,726
Victor Kocher (L) 2.8% 33,839
Thomas Ravenel (I) 3.9% 47,588
Total: 1,215,868

Lindsey Graham Bio

Sen. Lindsey Graham was born in Central, SC, in 1955. His parents ran a pool hall in town that served alcohol, and what he witnessed there caused him to abstain from drinking for his entire life (akin to Trump’s own experience with alcohol). When he was 21 years old and away at college, his mother and father died within six months of each other, and he ended up becoming the legal guardian of his 13-year-old sister.

Graham was able to stay the tough course of collegiate academia while raising a teenager, along with dealing with the loss of his parents himself. He also managed to serve amongst the ranks of the military reserve, parlaying that into a career position in the Air Force upon completion of law school. His determination and grit have served Graham well and are still evident today on the US Senate floor.


Education IconSenator Lindsey Graham decided to stay close to home and attend the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC, while also acting as the legal guardian of his teenage sister after their parents passed away. In 1977, Graham earned a bachelor’s degree in Psychology.

Senator Graham then went on to study at the University of South Carolina School of Law, earning his Juris Doctorate degree in 1981. While in college, Graham served in the Reserve Officers Training Corps. Upon completion of law school, Graham’s military service became full time when he began active duty as a commissioned officer in the United States Air Force.

Lindsey Graham’s Previous Political Experience

Experience IconBefore Lindsey Graham was first sworn in as a US Senator from South Carolina in 2003, he held the following political positions:

  • Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from South Carolina, 3rd district (1995-2003)
  • Member of the South Carolina House of Representatives, 2nd district (1994-1995)

Lindsey Graham PoliciesPolicy Icon

  • Wartime Limits On Freedom Of Speech
  • In Favor Of NSA Phone Tapping And Surveillance Tactics
  • Supports Harsh Terrorist Detainee Interrogation Methods
  • Is In Favor Of Strict Immigration Guidelines
  • Pro-NRA, But Also Supports Tighter Gun Control
  • Opposes Obamacare
  • Anti-Abortion
  • Neutral On Climate Change
  • Supports US Intervention In Terrorist Stronghold Counties

Sen. Lindsey Graham’s Voter BaseVoter Base Icon

  • Trump Supporters
  • Establishment Republicans
  • Far-Right Republicans
  • Christians
  • NRA Supporters
  • Pro-Life Voters

Senator Graham On Gambling

Gambling IconLindsey Graham is strongly opposed to gambling, and in 2014, he introduced a federal bill that sought to ban online gaming nationwide. Luckily for political gambling aficionados, his bill failed, but you can bet that Senator Graham will press forth with his anti-gambling measures as long as he is in office.

Lindsey Graham Memes

Senator Graham has been the target of many memes that have been shared across the internet. Unfortunately for him, the vast majority have been in opposition to him, his campaign, and his policies. Here are a few of the more humorous offerings we discovered.

Lindsey Graham Meme Lindsey Graham Meme Lindsey Graham Meme Lindsey Graham Meme

United States Senator Lindsey Graham Contact

Washington, D.C. Office
290 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Lindsey Graham Phone Number: (202) 224-5972

Lindsey Graham Email

Lindsey Graham Twitter: @LindseyGrahamSC


Lindsey Graham FAQs

Is Lindsey Graham married?

For those wondering if Lindsey Graham has ever been married, the answer is no. He has spoken about a long-term romance with a female in his mid-20’s that never resulted in marriage, but he has yet to walk down the aisle and exchange vows.

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