With Trump Vulnerable, Can Biden Make Up Ground With Oddsmakers?

Joe Biden speaking with determination and hands raisedJoe Biden speaking with determination and hands raised

What does it take to put a dent into the seemingly impenetrable armor of Donald J. Trump and his Presidential election odds?

For each alleged misstep committed by the Trump administration over the past eight weeks or so, it seems that Joe Biden, almost on cue, steps out and utters something maddeningly incomprehensible or has a new accusation leveled against him that his campaign fails to respond to for several days.

Taking a general look across all media and social platforms, one might make the assumption that Trump is due for a lopsided defeat in November. Americans will try to “correct the error” they made four years ago and get back on the track that was laid out by the previous administration. But that’s just half the story.

In reality, President Trump has held a commanding lead at major political sportsbooks since both candidates’ respective campaigns began, an advantage that has only tightened recently – and not because of the (now seemingly irrelevant) Coronavirus pandemic.

Beginning last week and continuing throughout the weekend, massive protests have been held in major cities across the United States that oppose the use of excessive force by the police toward minorities, following the on-camera killing of George Floyd while in the custody of Minneapolis police.

Many of these protests turned violent. In several instances, police intervened and employed the exact kind of excessive police force that the marchers were protesting.

Clear division lines have been drawn between the two Presidential candidates. Joe Biden stands with the protesters, condemning police brutality and calling for an overhaul of law enforcement procedures. Biden said the following:

“We are a nation in pain, but we must not allow this pain to destroy us. We are a nation enraged, but we cannot allow our rage to consume us. We are a nation exhausted, but we will not allow our exhaustion to defeat us.”

On the other side of the coin, Donald Trump is not mincing words (big surprise) and has come out hard on Twitter against the protesters that are causing property damage in their respective cities.

Using more measured words than Trump (again, shocker), Biden also spoke against the protests turning violent and destructive, according to the New York Post.

“The act of protesting should never be allowed to overshadow the reason we protest. It should not drive people away from the just cause that protest is meant to advance.”

Betting odds for political outcomes are traditionally the most accurate forecasters of elections. That’s because bettors (and books) have actual skin in the game and do not allow partisan opinions to influence their lines, at least when compared to polling respondents.

That’s why Trump betting odds aren’t that surprising despite lagging predictions at popular political polling sites that show him down by as much as 10% nationwide. Polls just aren’t as accurate as they could be, while betting lines are set by the actual money coming in. No doubt, there are many Biden supporters that are betting on Trump, and vice versa.

Perhaps it is time for a big move from Biden’s campaign instead of waiting for Trump to screw up. The President has made several questionable calls over the last few days that have outraged Biden’s base, but the odds haven’t shifted, because it’s not Biden’s base that Trump is after.

Joe Biden can no longer rely on Trump to deliver the victory for him. It is time for his campaign to bring it, and there’s no time like the now to provide inspirational leadership to a large group of constituents that are in need of hope.

Trump vs. Biden Odds


  • Donald Trump -120
  • Joe Biden +110


  • Donald Trump -160
  • Joe Biden +125


  • Donald Trump -135
  • Joe Biden +110

If you want to bet on politics, you can do so at any of the above books. And as you can see by the lines offered at each of the major US political betting sites, it’s a very good idea to join all three and shop lines before placing any wager. For example, if you think Trump’s going to win the 2020 Presidential election, you should place your bet with Bovada, as the site has the highest payout possible for Trump reelection right now.

Meanwhile, if you want to bet on Biden, MyBookie is the place to place it, as that site has a 15% higher payout on the choice than any of the other operators.

And don’t forget: There are a host of other 2020 political prop bets available at all three sites, each with different lines and payouts. This is going to be a contentious election, and every week is going to bring a major shakeup. Just remember not to shake up your bankroll, and stick with the most valuable wagers possible.

Jennifer Nichols:

Jennifer Nichols is a professional writer and political betting enthusiast. She also has a background in marketing, which provides unique insight into the way politically relevant information, statistics and polling information is interpreted and shared.

When she's not writing about the political landscape in the US, Jennifer enjoys working on her extensive DIY home renovation projects, camping and traveling.

Coming from a military family, Jennifer moved around quite a bit during her childhood and is happy to be settled down here in Tallahassee. As one of the earlier team members to join PEO, Jennifer is a veteran writer for the site.

Jennifer can be reached by email: Jennifer@presidentialelectionodds.net
