Lacking Odds And Recognition, Deval Patrick Officially Announces 2020 Campaign

deval patrick announces presidential rundeval patrick announces presidential run

After mulling a 2020 presidential run earlier this week, Deval Patrick has officially decided to enter the White House race just a few months before the Iowa Democratic caucus in February.

Through his official Twitter account, Patrick revealed his intentions to build a “more inclusive American Dream for everyone.”

Patrick served as the 71st Governor of Massachusettes from 2007 to 2015, becoming the first African-American to be elected to the state’s post.

Late last year, Patrick hinted at taking a shot in the 2020 election but decided against it.

Through a Facebook post, Partick elaborated on his decision, saying that the “cruelty of our elections process would ultimately splash back on people whom Diane and I love, but who hadn’t signed up for the journey, was more than I could ask.”

Prior to officially announcing his campaign, Patrick made calls to elected officials in his home state of Massachusetts to inform them of his plan.

Patrick is expected to capitalize on the neighboring state of New Hampshire and the large black population in South Carolina to give an early bounce to his Oval Office aspirations.

Cliff Albright from Black Voters Matter describes Patrick as a moderate Democrat with limited name recognition.

“He’s not a national name. Folks in Louisiana aren’t going to be like, ‘Oh wow. Deval Patrick joined the race’…  Patrick is not wildly progressive. He’s safe to the money people. He’s Cory Booker minus ‘I live in the projects.’ He’s going to come in and do something that Cory Booker can’t do? I don’t get it.”

Co-chair of the South Carolina Democratic Black Caucus Johnnie Cordero thinks Patrick is right on time, however.

“I don’t think it’s too late. If he’s going to enter, I think it’s wise for him to wait because some of the other folks aren’t doing as well in the polls as they’d like to be,” Cordero said.

Nevertheless, the political betting odds don’t give much hope to Patrick entering 2020.

Unlike Michael Bloomberg– who has recently expressed interesting in running for President and jumped to the top of the list of candidates– Patrick hasn’t even received odds on any major sportsbooks.

Even Hillary Clinton has odds and she’s not running– yet.

2020 Democratic nomination odds

Via Bovada

  • Elizabeth Warren +150
  • Joe Biden +275
  • Pete Buttigieg +500
  • Bernie Sanders +600
  • Michael Bloomberg +1000
  • Hillary Clinton +1400
  • Andrew Yang +1500
  • Tulsi Gabbard +4000
  • Kamala Harris +5000
  • Amy Klobuchar +8000
  • Cory Booker +8000
  • Tom Steyer +10000
  • Julian Castro +12500
  • John Delaney +15000
  • Marianne Williamson +15000
  • Michael Bennet +20000
Jennifer Nichols:

Jennifer Nichols is a professional writer and political betting enthusiast. She also has a background in marketing, which provides unique insight into the way politically relevant information, statistics and polling information is interpreted and shared.

When she's not writing about the political landscape in the US, Jennifer enjoys working on her extensive DIY home renovation projects, camping and traveling.

Coming from a military family, Jennifer moved around quite a bit during her childhood and is happy to be settled down here in Tallahassee. As one of the earlier team members to join PEO, Jennifer is a veteran writer for the site.

Jennifer can be reached by email:
