Political News Blog

justin trudeau blackface

Trudeau favored in Canadian Prime Minister reelection despite blackface photos

There is less than one month until the 43rd Canadian general election on October 21…

Bill de Blasio drops

No Mo’ de Blasio: NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Ends 2020 Presidential Run

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio can go back to exclusively wearing Timberlands and…

trump kavanaugh impeachment odds

Kava-Not Again! Old Smears, New Odds On Justice Brett Kavanaugh

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who went through the mother of all wringers in his…

trump gun control

Odds Favor Lawmakers Shooting Down Gun Control Laws

In the first three-quarters of 2019, there were 283 mass shootings in the United States.…

storm area 51 naruto run

The Day The Earth Ran Fast: Odds Posted For “Storm Area 51” Event

“Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us.” On June 27, California college student…

donald trump impeachment

After Lewandowski Testimony, Odds Say Trump’s Impeachment Is Not Likely

Another hearing was held before the House Judiciary Committee yesterday in the impeachment process of…

bill de blasio

Easy Come, Easy de Blasi-go: Bill de Blasio Favored As Next Democrat To Drop Out

Running for President of the United States is a difficult, time-consuming, and expensive undertaking. Then,…

trump next staffer fired odds

Bolton Firing Prompts Odds On Next Trump Staffer To Go

On Tuesday, September 10, President Donald Trump ousted National Security Advisor John Bolton from the…