

Biden Trump signs

Bookmakers Stand to Earn Biggest Score In Presidential Election Odds History

The 2020 Presidential election is not over until the fat lady sings, or in this case, until Rudy Giuliani stops sweating. Please, somebody, grab the poor (rich) man a towel. As we all know, the Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump main event is wrought with allegations of widespread voter fraud that successfully delays an
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Trump in office

Biden Prepares Transition as Donald Trump Schedules Press Conference Today

The state of Georgia officially finished their ballot recount today, poising Biden as once again the winner over Georgia’s electoral college votes. Governor Brian Kemp remained on the sidelines throughout the retallying process, refusing to comment on the Georgia recount. Later today however, Governor Kemp plans
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Covid 19 Response

Coronavirus Vaccines Bring New Hope As Republican Officials Fall Ill

The pandemic has surged throughout the country in recent weeks, hitting record high Covid-19 infection rates and hospitalization cases. The U.S. medical system strains as hospitals rush to provide proper care to incoming virus victims. However, on the betting lines, the pandemic has not managed to staunch high
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Biden President Elect

Joe Biden Continues Transition While Sportsbooks Drop 2024 Election Odds.

President-elect Joe Biden forges ahead his administration’s transition into the White House. Individual key Republican officeholders ceded victory to the Delaware Democrat, while others remain silent. Republican officials reluctantly support the Trump administration’s refusal to admit defeat, caught in
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Trump Reflection

Books Post Senate Race Odds As Americans Wander In The Post-Election Wilderness

Whether your candidate won or lost this election, you probably continue to feel a sense of unease. With President-elect Joe Biden positioned to take control of the White House, groups of both Democrats and Republicans took to the street in either flagrant support or disapprobation. Record numbers of voters, over
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trump baffled in White House

Trump And Biden Near The End While The Odds Close

The end draws near. As the final states finish up counting ballots, Joe Biden appears to be crawling his way into the White House, one vote at a time. Biden has taken leads in both Pennsylvania and Georgia since yesterday, an indication that leaves Democrats hopeful. President Trump last night made a speech from
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Ballot Counting

Trump and Biden Battle For The Presidency While The Odds Widen

America has made some progress finding a president in the electoral college haystack. The Associated Press has called Wisconsin and Michigan for Biden. Arizona is at 88% reporting with a Biden lead of about 70,000 votes. The only states that haven’t been called yet are Alaska, Nevada, Pennsylvania, North
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Trump Rally

Electoral College In Suspense While Sportsbooks Odds Flipflop

To say that this election has been vexing is an understatement. Americans from both parties have voted in record amounts, and for some, it seems like their worlds hang on the end of the political string. Both Trump and Biden have electoral college paths to victory, and now all we can do is watch and […]
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