

bernie vs trump rally

Presidents Day Odds Ranking: Who’s Favored To Win The 2020 Election?

Today is Presidents Day, which celebrates George Washington’s birthday—Feb. 22 but observed on the third Monday of February each year—and honors the accomplishments of Abraham Lincoln and all Presidents of the United States who’ve taken the oath of office in our nation’s history. Washington unanimously won the
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Valentine’s Day Odds Love Trump-Sanders 2020 Election Matchup

Voters across America will head to the polls on Nov. 3 for the general election, but the names on the ballot have yet to be determined. The nominee from Democrats and Republicans won’t be officially decided until the party’s national conventions are held during the summer. Still, the 2020 presidential election
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steyer gabbard drop out odds

Odds Favor Tom Steyer, Tulsi Gabbard To Drop Out Next

When the first votes of a primary are cast, the path toward winning a party’s nomination becomes more narrow as it snowballs into a playoff-like system similar to sports. Rather than competing in win-or-go-home matchups, earning as many delegates as possible is the name of the game. Early on in the process, there
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bernie yang new hampshire

Sanders Wins NH, Yang Steals Show And An Early Look At Nevada Caucus Odds

At the end of the first official election of the 2020 Democratic presidential election, there was an undisputable declared winner and one other candidate who left a lasting impact on American politics before the night’s end. Bernie Sanders won the 2020 New Hampshire primary last night, receiving 25.7% of the vote
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New Hampshire Primary Odds Heavily Favor Bernie Sanders As Polls Open

With the Iowa Democratic Caucastrophe now finally behind us—except not really since there will be at least a partial recanvass—we can now turn our attention to a real election, where the candidate with the most votes wins (a ludicrous concept, I know). The New Hampshire primary election, the second stop on the
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bernie buttigieg new hampshire democratic primary odds

Bernie Leading All Dems In NH, Still Can’t Trump The Donald For Best Election Odds

The New Hampshire primaries are on Tuesday, and there is tremendous interest to see how the field coalesces after last week’s Iowa Caucastrophe. After that four-star ****show, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders – who came away from the nation’s first party vote in a virtual dead heat with Pete Buttigieg and earned 12
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New Hampshire Primary Odds Heavily Favor Bernie Sanders Before Democratic Debate

Seven presidential candidates will take the stage for tonight’s Democratic debate in New Hampshire, but only one will walk away with the most votes from the second state of the primary on Tuesday, Feb. 11. And the odds favor the Bern once again. Bernie Sanders is the overwhelming favorite to win the next stop
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Bernie 2020 odds

Bernie Sanders’ Nominee Odds Blow Out Field After Iowa Caucus Disaster

Never mind the Iowa Caucus disaster, here’s Bernie Sanders’ odds of becoming the Democratic nominee. And make no mistake: The political betting sites are feelin’ the Bern more now than they ever have before—and no other Democrat candidate even comes close. Sanders’ odds of winning the 2020 Democratic presidential
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pete bernie iowa odds

Iowa Caucus Odds: Pete Buttigieg Re-Opens As Heavy Favorite Over Bernie Sanders

Two days after the Iowa Caucuses were initially held and following two batches of results released by the Iowa Democratic Party, oddsmakers have named a new favorite to win the first state of the 2020 Democratic presidential Primary. Pete Buttigieg, the former South Bend mayor, has re-opened as the heavy favorite
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