

Biden Bernie Super Tuesday Odds

2020 Super Tuesday Democratic Presidential Primary Betting Predictions

Voters in fourteen states, as well as the American Samoa caucuses and Democrats Abroad primary, head to the polls today for the Super Tuesday primary elections, but who’s favored to win? The GOP nomination is a lock at this point, and President Donald Trump’s odds of becoming the 2020 Republican
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2020 Super Tuesday Betting Odds

2020 Super Tuesday Democratic Primary Betting Odds Guide

Tomorrow is Super Tuesday, and although the 16 Democratic primary elections aren’t for all the marbles, they will account for about one-third of all delegates up for grabs. A total of 1,357 delegates from 14 states—plus American Samoa caucuses and the Democrats Abroad primary—will be awarded on Mar. 3 (Democrats
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bloomberg bernie biden

Super Tuesday Prop Bets: Over/Under Total Delegates Won By 2020 Democrats

The 2020 Democratic presidential nominee odds and what each candidates’ chances are will begin to paint a clearer picture once the dust settles from Super Tuesday. A total of 1,344 pledged delegates will be awarded on Tues., Mar. 3, and the current betting odds for Super Tuesday favor Bernie Sanders winning a
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clyburn biden south carolina

Bettors Are Ridin’ With Biden To Win South Carolina Primary

Just when you thought he was out, Joe Biden pulled us back in. After Biden suffered three consecutive disappointing finishes in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada — the latter of which he led in the polls less than a month prior — the former Vice President is going “all-in” to make a final stand in […]
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bernie sanders smiling waving

Odds Favor Bernie Sanders To Win 12 Of 14 Super Tuesday Primary States

Following last night’s uneventful South Carolina Democratic debate, there has been little to no change across the board in regards to the 2020 election odds. After winning the most votes in three consecutive early primary states, Bernie Sanders is the clear favorite to win the 2020 Democratic presidential
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South Carolina debate stage

South Carolina Primary Odds And Democratic Debate Prop Betting Guide 

There’s no way to downplay how important tonight is for the remaining Democratic candidates and how each individual performance could positively or negatively impact their odds to win the 2020 presidential election. Seven Democrats will take the stage this evening. Whether you’re curious about the
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Biden Bernie South Carolina Odds

Biden Slightly Favored Over Sanders To Win South Carolina Primary

With three states in the books, the 2020 Democratic presidential race turns to South Carolina, the fourth and final early state primary to vote before Super Tuesday. And the updated South Carolina primary odds show former Vice President Joe Biden listed as a slight favorite over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to win
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Bernie debate smiling

Bernie Boosts Odds After Bloomberg Bombs, Others Miss Mark At Nevada Debate

After the dust settled from Nevada debate, there was one clear winner, one big loser, and four Democratic candidates who cemented themselves as players in the game instead of game-changers. But before discussing winners and losers from the debate, let’s see how the public bet on the 2020 election odds once the
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