Andrew Giuliani’s Election Odds Grow Dim Following Zero GOP Endorsements

Odds for Andrew Giuliani New York Governor 2021Odds for Andrew Giuliani New York Governor 2021

It has now been several weeks since Andrew Giuliani, son of the Trump attorney and former New York City Mayor, has announced his candidacy to become the next Governor of New York in 2022, but traction has been hard to come by for the young upstart Republican.

GOP leaders across the state of New York were recently polled asking which upcoming candidates for office they’d throw their support behind.

Andrew Giuliani did not receive a single vote from any elected Republicans in NY, and that lack of an endorsement will certainly impact his ability to successfully campaign over the coming months.

Betting on Andrew Giuliani to become the next New York Governor has been a risky proposition since he announced his candidacy, but now his campaign is struggling to gain relevancy after such a massive, embarrassing blow to his credibility.

Although Andrew’s father used to be incredibly popular in New York, the state has flipped blue in recent years and no longer views Rudy as the sincere politician that cleaned up the streets of NYC many moons ago.

This is largely due to Rudy Giuliani’s time spent in association with President Donald J. Trump, and it is difficult to imagine a scenario where Andrew could provide a genuine challenge to incumbent NY Governor Andrew Cuomo and his election odds.

In fact, online political election sportsbooks do not feature any New York State Gubernatorial odds at the moment, and even if they did, Giuliani would not likely be featured near the top of the betting line.

Cuomo is expected to see some challengers from both sides of the aisle during the next primary and general election cycles, but none thus far are threatening the sitting Governor to any serious degree according to political prediction websites.

Gov. Cuomo’s current dominance in the polls is a surprise considering the multiple controversies that have surrounded his tenure over the past 18 months.

During the onset of COVID-19, Cuomo was treated as a media darling for his daily updates on the pandemic, chock full of common sense, real talk that endeared him to viewers and the press.

What followed for Governor Cuomo were accusations of falsely filed reports linked to coronavirus-related deaths and how they were attributed in the data being provided to the public.

Several allegations of sexual misconduct followed, but Andrew Cuomo has skirted those issues and still seems poised for reelection come November of 2022.

2022 Gubernatorial betting odds for New York are not on the boards at the moment, but we expect them to appear as campaigns heat up over the final quarter of 2021.

Once NY political odds appear, it is likely that Andrew Giuliani will be included – assuming his campaign is still active – but his moneyline will be astronomical unless he can close the seismic gap that currently separates him not only from Cuomo, but also from the entire field of GOP contenders.

Admin: I'm just a guy who enjoys politics and betting.