Political News Blog

nancy pelosi mitch mcconnell senate removal vote

Despite Pelosi-McConnell Rumors, Senate Is Expected To Vote On Trump Removal

To say the impeachment of President Donald Trump has been a roller coaster might be…


Bernie Sanders Opens As Favorite To Win New Hampshire Primary

With Bernie Sanders’ chances of placing first in the Iowa Caucuses steadily increasing over the…

donoald trump no resignation removal

Odds Do Not Favor President Trump’s Resignation Or Removal From Office

Earlier this week, Donald Trump became the third United States President to ever be impeached…

December democratic debate

Polls, Odds Similar Heading Into Tonight’s Sixth Democratic Debate

Thanks to the impeachment of President Donald Trump, the sixth Democratic debate set for tonight…


December Democratic Debate Is Back On After Union Reaches Labor Agreement

Oh, it’s back on! The sixth Democratic presidential primary debate is back on and scheduled…

house representatives vote today trump impeachment

With House Vote Today, Odds Favor Trump’s Impeachment But Not Removal

Today could go down in history as a major shift in American politics. It could…


Republicans Favored To Keep Senate Majority After 2020 Election

Outside of the presidential election odds, the political futures for which party will control the…

Bernie sanders iowa odds Pete buttigieg

Buttigieg’s Lead Continues To Slip In Iowa As Sanders Closes Gap On Caucus Odds

South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg has led in the Iowa Caucus odds for quite…

Odds Show 90% Chance Trump Will Be Impeached By House Dems

If the latest impeachment betting odds hold true, then a majority of the House of…