Political News Blog

Joe Biden waves to crowd

Key Republicans Speak Against Trump As Biden Makes His Nominations

For some time now, Republican Congressmen have tiptoed around the subject of President Trump's widespread…

Trump in office

Biden Prepares Transition as Donald Trump Schedules Press Conference Today

The state of Georgia officially finished their ballot recount today, poising Biden as once again…

Covid 19 Response

Coronavirus Vaccines Bring New Hope As Republican Officials Fall Ill

The pandemic has surged throughout the country in recent weeks, hitting record high Covid-19 infection…

political rivals

Trump Fans Gather For Million MAGA March While The Election Stagnates

"He won because the election was Rigged." President Trump tweeted on Sunday. Some White House…

trump baffled in White House

Trump And Biden Near The End While The Odds Close

The end draws near. As the final states finish up counting ballots, Joe Biden appears…

Ballot Counting

Trump and Biden Battle For The Presidency While The Odds Widen

America has made some progress finding a president in the electoral college haystack. The Associated…

Electoral College In Suspense While Sportsbooks Odds Flipflop

To say that this election has been vexing is an understatement. Americans from both parties…